The Sims 3 Late Night Review

The Sims 3 Late Night Review
The Sims 3 Late Night is the expansion pack that many have been waiting for. People that play The Sims series love the Night Life additions to the games, and all of the naughty and mischievous fun their Sims can get into in a big downtown area. Some of the great additions with this expansion pack include: vampires, musicians, new instruments, bouncers, celebrities, butlers, penthouses and apartments, and new skills for the piano, bass, drums, and mixology. Read on to find out much more with this expansion pack review.
Bridgeport, High-rises and Penthouses
Bridgeport is the new neighborhood (or town) that is included in The Sims 3 Late Night review. It is a very large town, and includes high-rises and penthouses for your Sims to live in, party in, and work at. The new building tools offered allow you to create and adjust these lots too. This really allows you to have your Sims live in fabulous apartments and live in the very busy and popular downtown area.
New Clubs, Bars, and Lounges
Late Night also gave players the ability to go have fun at night at clubs, bars, and lounges. There are three types of clubs available including: dance club, poolside club, and disco club. The town of Bridgeport has: The Grind, Aquarius, and The Brightmore. There are three types of bars available including: dive bar, local watering hole, and sports bar. The town of Bridgeport has: Waylon’s Haunt, Eugi’s, and Bridgeport Sports Zone.
There are three types of lounges available including: fusion lounge, vampire lounge, and exclusive lounge. The town of Bridgeport has: Bonzai Lounge, Plasma 501, and The Prosper Room. The Sims 3 celebrity status also revolves around these Late Night hot spots. If your Sim doesn’t have the required stars, they won’t be allowed past the bouncers without paying them off first (or sneaking in). This whole system is fun and the celebrity status allure makes it that much better.
The Sims 3 Vampire is a returning life state that was returned with this expansion pack. No The Sims 3 Late Night review could go without discussing this further. Vampires are popular across all age groups, and getting to play as one or perhaps fall in love with one as a Sim is a fun thing to do in The Sims 3. Vampires can easily be found around town at night, especially at The Plasma 501 lounge and at The Brightmore club (in Bridgeport). Come close enough to a vampire, and you’ll notice their slightly glowing skin, glowing eyes, and fangs. Befriend one and you can even ask them to turn you into a vampire too. Vampire Sims are not hungry, instead they are thirsty, and they must drink blood in the form of “plasma.” This could be drunk off of a willing Sim participant, from plasma fruit, and from plasma packs (which resemble juice boxes).
The whole vampire system in The Sims 3 is fun, and if at anytime you no longer want to be a vampire, you can always change back by visiting the Science Lab.
New Items
There are quite a few new objects with The Sims 3 Late Night reviewed here.
Hot Tubs – this is one of the new objects that is a returning staple from The Sims games. You can find The Sims 3 hot tubs in clubs, lounges, the resort, and penthouses around Bridgeport. You can also buy two different hot tubs with the installation of this expansion pack, and can place on your Sim’s lot to enjoy whenever they wish. Arcade Machines, Bubble Bar, Darts, Shuffleboard – fun way to have your Sims unwind after a hard day’s work! Window Aquarium – this amazing aquarium can also be used as a room divider. Fish can’t be stocked, but they never die! Instruments – aside from just the guitar, the piano, drums, portable keyboard, and bass are also added to allow your Sims to start a band and start a jam session!
New Clothes – players that love new and sexy clothes for The Sims will love all of the new wardrobe additions for their Sims. This expansion pack really brought with it some hot new outfits for females and males to show off and look fabulous!
New Lifetime Rewards
New lifetime rewards were also introduced with this review for The Sims 3 Late Night expansion pack including: The Hustler – 5,000 points – makes your character good at bar games (such as Foosball, Shuffleboard, and Darts). Watering Hole Regular – 7,500 points – your Sim will receive a discount on drinks and food at local bars. The Next Big Thing – 10,000 points – makes your Sim’s band successful and earns extra Simoleons! Excellent Groupie – 10,000 points – all of your Sim’s outing is a good time.
Master of Seduction – 15,000 points – your Sim’s romantic advancements are always accepted. Better Mixologist – 15,000 points – allows your Sim to make higher quality drinks. Always on the List – 17,500 points – your Sim will always be allowed into bars, clubs, and lounges. Map to the Stars – 20,000 points – shows you where Celebrity Sims homes are in the Map View.
Other Fun Additions
There are many other things that I found fun when playing for this review for The Sims 3 Late Night expansion pack. Among them:
2 new places to WooHoo: hot tub and elevator
Using the Subway system
New CAS features to make more muscle for guys and bigger breasts on females
Cooking new recipes
Dancing on the table
New dance moves
Becoming a Sims 3 Celebrity Sim
Posing for the paparazzi
Stealing clothes from a Sim that is skinny dipping
Asking Sims their Astrological Sign and if they are single
Being hunted by a vampire
Hunting other Sims as a vampire
Seeing a vampire burn in the sun
Seeing the Grim Reaper come after a ghost vampire Sim after they died of thirst
Causing a scandal and then suing the Sim that is slandering my Sim!
Hiring a Butler
Graphics (5 out of 5)
Graphics in The Sims 3: Late Night expansion pack are highly detailed and the new town that was added shows this even more that in the previous expansions. The Sims 3 Late Night is an expansion pack that should not be skipped, especially if you like vampires and night life activities when playing The Sims!
User Interface (5 out of 5)
The user interface didn’t change with this expansion pack, so it makes it extremely easy for the user to navigate. The overall ease and navigation of the interface is excellent.
Sound (5 out of 5)
The Sims 3: Late Night added the hip-hop radio station, and new custom music. When you are playing the game, you are able to turn on and off sounds, listen to the music in your Sim’s house, and even add in more custom music from your own MP3 files. The customization capabilities and quality of the sound is great!
Gameplay (5 out of 5)
This expansion pack added so much content wise that the replayability and use is really endless for The Sims 3 Late Night. The addition of the vampires, new clubs, bars, and lounges, and even the new objects and clothes really make this a must buy expansion pack for The Sims 3!