Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 11-1 to 11-11

Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup 11-1 to 11-11
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Theme 11-1

Shoot the first bird straight ahead to hit the wooden plank and this should kill the first three pigs.
  • Aim the next bird for the corner of the square housing the closest pig to kill it and demolish that side of the structure.
  • With only a part of the structure left, aim the next bird for the three pigs resting on the blue plank and the bird will go crashing through killing them and the remaining birds.

Theme 11-2

  • 11/2

    The first bird can be shot straight ahead for the middle of the first tower to knock it to the side, killing all of the pigs up to the large pig in the middle.

  • The next bird should be shot to land on the step just above the large pig, killing all but the large pig.

  • Aim the last bird directly at the pig to kill it head on.

Theme 11-3

  • 11/3

    Aim the first bird head on, as it’s being shot from up high it will shoot down to the middle of the grey blocks, demolishing everything on the left and killing all of the pigs up to the middle.

  • Aim the next bird to hit the rubble if there are any pigs resting in it.

  • The last bird should be aimed for the plank holding up the last bit of the structure to kill the final pigs.

Theme 11-4

  • 11/4

    The first bird is a bit tricky, you should aim it to hit the first pig and it should also fall through the gap to hit the wooden plank, and then the stone slabs and this will collapse the entire structure killing every pig.

Theme 11-5

  • 11/5

    Aim the first bird straight ahead to hit and demolish the whole first section killing the pigs contained in it.

  • Next aim the bird for the corner of the next part of the structure to push everything sideways and demolish the structure along with the pigs.

Theme 11-6

  • 11/6

    Shoot the first bird high over the structure for it to hit the bottom right corner, killing two of the pigs in the destruction.

  • Aim the next bird to hit the corner of the grey squares to go through them, collapsing the rest of the structure and killing the remaining pigs.

Theme 11-7

  • 11/7

    Aim the first bird for the stone part of the structure, breaking the wooden plank to destroy the first two towers.

  • Aim the next bird slightly higher, it should hit the pigs at ground level, crashing through and demolishing the structure and pigs.

Theme 11-8

  • 11/8

    Aim carefully here, the first bird should be shot to hit the grey square after it skims through and kills the pigs on the blue structure. When aimed correctly this will tumble the structures to kill each pig with no more birds needed.

Theme 11-9

  • 11/9

    Aim the first bird for just above the first pig’s head to go through the bottom of the grey square to roll the pig off its perch and collapse the middle structure, killing the pig underneath.

  • The next bird should be aimed higher and directly for the small pig on the ledge to collapse that structure.

  • If that doesn’t kill the large pig aim the last bird for it and this will still give you a 3 star rating.

Theme 11-10

  • 11/10

    The first bird should be shot high and over the the structure to turn and crash through the tower housing the two pigs, just above the stone slab which will kill the pig housed in the middle, detonate the TNT box and collapse the tower.

  • Aim the next bird at the plank supporting the pig on the perch to kill it.

  • Aim the last bird at the pig near the TNT box.

Theme 11-11

  • 11/11

    Aim the first bird for the grey support planks to push the structure and kill the pigs inside.

  • Aim the next bird for the second lot of support planks to collapse that structure, killing all but the largest pig.

  • The last bird should be aimed in the same path to kill the final pig.

For more help on how to play Angry Birds theme 11-12 to 12-6 and get 3 stars go to page 2.

Theme 11-12

  • 11/12

    Aim the first bird for the small block on which the small pig is sitting. This will crash through the structure killing the two pigs on top.

  • The second bird can be aimed in the same path to kill the small pig hidden underneath.

  • The last bird should be aimed higher to hit the large pig head on, crashing into the structure beside it and killing the final pigs.

Theme 11-13

  • 11/13

    The first bird should be aimed to hit the small block on the structure, just above the pile of bricks, to knock out half of the support beams and the structure should collapse, leaving only three pigs left.

  • The next bird can be sent in the same path to kill the pig hidden under the rubble.

  • The next bird should be aimed slightly higher to destroy the next pig hidden in the rubble, causing the pig on the ledge to roll and fall off.

Theme 11-14

  • 11/14

    Aim the first bird directly for the closest pig, it should go through the structure, demolishing most of it but leaving three pigs intact.

  • The next bird can be aimed for the large remaining pig, killing it and gaining more points by demolishing the rubble.

  • And the last bird can be aimed a little higher to hit the corner of the planks housing the final pigs, the impact will kill them both.

Theme 11-15

  • 11/15

    Aim the first bird for the grey slabs on the second tower, this will push them sideways destroying everything in the middle structure including the pigs.

  • Aim the second bird for the side of the nearest tower to destroy it, gaining more points.

  • Lastly, aim the final bird directly for the blue plank housing the last pigs which will now be demolished and the pigs killed.

Theme 12-1

  • 12/1

    Aim the first bird to fly into the corner of the step on the structure with increased speed. This should completely collapse the structure, killing each pig housed in it with the exception of one, with the pig on the rocks rolling and being killed by the debris.

  • The second bird should be aimed at the last pig.

Theme 12-2

  • 12/2

    Aim the first bird high into the air, just as it nears the large pig, tap the screen to release the extra birds and they should fly over the first part of the structure and hit the tower beyond, detonating the TNT boxes and killing the pigs inside.

  • Shoot the next bird to hit the plank just underneath the stone slab to collapse the structure and kill the remaining pigs.

Theme 12-3

  • 12/3

    The first bird should hit the roof of the closest structure to knock it to the right, collapsing the whole side and releasing the TNT box leaving only two pigs left.

  • Aim the last bird for the middle of the remaining pigs and the impact should kill them.

Theme 12-4

  • 12/4

    Aim the first bird high to knock out the wooden block holding up the main structure containing three pigs. This will create a cascade killing all of the surrounding pigs by collapsing the structure, detonating the TNT box and throwing debris.

Theme 12-5

  • 12-5

    Aim the first bird to hit the roof part of the second structure to rock it, knocking it over and detonating the TNT box to kill the pigs inside.

  • Aim the last bird for the block holding up the first structure and this should be destroyed, the pigs rolling off and being killed.

Theme 12-6

  • 12/6

    The first bird should be shot high to fall and destroy the beams holding up the middle tower which will fall to the left, killing the pig and pushing the next pig to roll and be killed.

  • The next bird is a little tricky to get right, you should aim it high to hit the block next to the largest pig and to go through the pig on the ground and hit the beam housing the last pig. The pigs either side of the one hit directly will both roll off their perches to be killed.

For help on how to get 3 stars on Angry Birds theme 12-7 to 12-15 go to page 3.

Theme 12-7

  • 12/7

    Aim the first bird for the small plank sticking out of the large structure to knock it to the right, the bird dropping to the left to kill the pig and the debris falling to detonate the TNT boxes leaving just two pigs left.

  • The next bird should be shot low and drop the egg just as it gets near the boulder, which will fall to detonate the TNT boxes and kill one of the final pigs.

  • The last bird should be shot to hit the corner of the box housing the last pig, which will push it over, killing it.

Theme 12-8

  • 12/8

    The first bird should be shot at the corner of the first step to kill the first two birds.

  • Aiming higher, drop the egg on the debris to make the bird hit the blue barrier housing the pig with the cowboy hat, killing a further two pigs.

  • Aim the last bird directly for the pig at the bottom step, taking out the step will also kill the pig left at the top of the structure.

Theme 12-9

  • 12/9

    Aim the first bird for the first step, housing three pigs and killing two of them.

  • Aiming a little higher the next bird should hit the exposed square on the bottom of the structure, blowing up to kill all but three pigs to the top.

  • The last bird can be aimed a little lower, we need this to hit the structure at the bottom and roll under. The resulting explosion will kill the remaining pigs.

Theme 12-10

  • 12/10

    Shoot the first bird high over the structure to crash into the TNT box killing the closest three pigs in the structure.

  • Aim the second bird for the top ramp, it should go through to ground level and explode killing the pigs left in the structure.

  • The last bird can be aimed at the last pig.

Theme 12-11

  • 12/11

    Aim the first bird for the bottom square supporting the structure to collapse it, killing the first two pigs.

  • Aim the next bird at the wooden blocks below the stone slab to kill the next bird.

  • The next bird should be aimed to turn back and crash into the structure housing the lone pig.

  • Use the last bird to drop the egg in between the last two pigs.

Theme 12-12

  • 12/12

    Aim the first bird to hit and shatter the first blue support beams on the structure which will fall to kill all but one pig in the middle of it all.

  • Aim the last bird high into the air to drop on the pig, as it gets close tap to release the extra birds and these will kill the last pig.

Theme 12-13

  • 12/13

    The first bird should be shot high to fall on to the metal squares and explode to kill all but two pigs on the ground.

  • Aim the next bird at the closest pig to kill it.

  • For the last bird, drop the egg on the top of the remaining pig to kill it.

Theme 12-14

  • 12/14

    Aim the first bird over the structures to hit the wall, this will break the support holding up the boulders, releasing them to fall on the first pigs and collapse the two structures on the right side.

  • The next bird should drop its egg in the middle of the two birds in the intact structures to kill them.

  • Use the last bird to aim directly for the last pig.

Theme 12-15

  • 12/15

    Aim the first bird high into the air to fall in between the first two structures which will explode to kill the first two birds.

  • Aim the next bird almost straight on to fall in the middle of the structure, killing all but the ground left pig.

  • Finally, aim the last bird high to fall on the remaining pig.

We hope that our Angry Birds walkthrough guides have been helpful in giving you tips and hints for gaining 3 star ratings.


All screenshots and references from Angry Birds for iPhone.