Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup Theme 9-1 to 9-12

Theme 9-1
Aim the first bird for the corner of the first structure, it will plough through it and on to the next destroying everything in its path, including the pigs.
Theme 9-2
Aim the bird for the pig resting on the structure, it should kill this and go on to destroy the second structure and the pigs there.
Theme 9-3
Aim the bird to hit the shelf with the blue bricks resting on it, the bird will then follow through and destroy the structures and pigs.
Theme 9-4
Aim the bird straight for the pig opposite, it will then crash through the bottom of the structure, collapsing it and killing the pigs.
Theme 9-5
Aim the bird for the second diagonal plank and it will crash through and destroy the structure and pigs.
Theme 9-6
Aim the first bird over the structure and to crash through the small structure to the side, it should then kill the first pig and destroy the wooden slats holding the boulder up. The boulder should then crash down killing the pig underneath.
Aim the next bird directly for the last pig.
Theme 9-7
Aim the first bird for the corner of the structure where the closest pig is resting to kill all but the two ground pigs to the right.
The second bird should be aimed at the closest pig and should follow through killing the last.
Theme 9-8
Aim the first pig for the corner of the ledge just above the small pig, killing it and destroying the structure.
Aim the second bird in the same path and this should crash though the rest of the structure killing the final three pigs.
Theme 9-9
Aim the bird for the plank running through the structure, it will then push the structure sideways and collapse it, killing all but one pig trapped in the rubble.
Aim the next bird for the remaining pig, it should crash through the rubble and kill the pig.
Theme 9-10
Aim the first bird for the wooden slats on the structure to demolish it along with all but one pig.
Aim the last bird for the remaining pig.
Theme 9-11
The first bird should fly over the structure and aim to hit the horizontal plank above the TNT box, it should follow straight through to hit the next TNT box, blowing up the two pigs to the left.
The next bird can be aimed directly at the last pig to kill it and detonate the TNT box, destroying the rubble.
Theme 9-12
Use the first two birds to destroy the planks to the left.
The first red bird should be aimed at the closest pig to kill it and begin to collapse the structure.
The next red bird can be aimed high to fall in the middle of the structure to demolish it and kill the remaining pigs.
For Angry Birds hints to help with theme 9-13 to 10-7 go to page 2.
Theme 9-13
The first bird should be aimed at the closest pig to go through the two planks beyond, then through the stone killing the two pigs on the outside of the structure and collapsing it killing the pigs inside.
Theme 9-14
Aim the first bird to hit the three blocks and go on to crash through the two pigs in its path, damaging the tower which will also collapse and kill the pig inside.
The last bird should be aimed for the corner of the square housing the last pig, it will be killed with maximum damage to the debris.
Theme 9-15
The first bird should be aimed for the middle of the two closest pigs, collapsing the side of the structure.
Aim the next bird for the support beam just under the pig resting on top of the structure to kill a further two pigs.
Finally, aim the last bird for the last remaining pig, the corner will do the maximum damage.
Theme 10-1
Use the stone block as a marker for where to aim the first bird, it should knock the blocks over along with the plank of wood next to it to detonate the TNT box, scattering debris to knock over the TNT box to the far left. The knock on effect will kill all but two pigs.
The next bird should be shot almost straight on to hit the closest pig.
The final bird should be shot in the same path the hit the TNT box below, this will force the bird up the slope to kill the last pig.
Theme 10-2
Aim the first bird for the stone pillar at the top of the slope to kill the first pig and roll into the first tower.
The second bird can be aimed in the same path to hit the bottom of the tower to kill the pigs inside.
Lastly, aim the next bird high to hit the corner of the square structure housing the small pig, it should crash through killing any remaining pigs.
Theme 10-3
The first bird should be aimed to hit the piles of wood to go through to then hit the lone pig below the structure, killing the pigs in its path.
The second bird should be aimed higher for the pig to the far end below what is left of the structure to kill all but one final pig.
Aim the last bird for the final pig.
Theme 10-4
The first bird should be aimed at the stacked blue squares to demolish the structure and kill the first four pigs.
Aim the second bird for the closest pig along the ground, this should plough through the structure, demolishing it and the pigs inside.
Theme 10-5
Aim the first bird to hit the top of the second tower, it should crash through the whole structure killing all but the one pig hidden under the step.
The second bird can be aimed to the middle of the same tower as earlier to crash through to kill the last pig.
Theme 10-6
The first bird should be aimed for the corner of the structure holding the closest pig to kill the first four pigs and collapse the structure.
Aim the last bird for the top of the structure housing the pig in the trough, this will collapse the rest of the structure killing all remaining pigs.
Theme 10-7
The first red bird should be aimed to hit the step just above the first pig to kill each pig on that side of the structure, leaving the two resting in the second.
The last bird should be aimed at the plank separating the final two pigs to kill them both.
For Angry Birds hints to help you get 3 stars on theme 10-8 to 10-15 go to page 3.
Theme 10-8
Aim the first bird for the small pig in the middle of the screen, to do this the bird will crash through the glass triangles. This will then kill the small pig and the two to the far side.
The next bird should hit the corner of the grey square, pushing the debris and killing the last two pigs.
Theme 10-9
Aim the first bird high to skim over the structure and tap so it hits the other side where the glass and wood parts sit.
Aim the second bird to do the same to destroy the debris resting over the pig.
The third bird should hit the corner of the plank housing the small pig and go on to kill the pig in the dip.
The last bird should then be used to directly hit the remaining pig.
Theme 10-10
Aim the first bird for the corner of the blue tower housing two small pigs, as this crashes through the towers it should kill all but two pigs.
Aim the second bird to hit the small pig, it should roll down the step and destroy the debris caused earlier.
The last bird should be aimed at the final pig.
Theme 10-11
The first bird should be aimed at the corner just above the first pig for the bird to knock down the whole structure leaving just one or two pigs to the far side.
Aim the last bird for the remaining pigs, it should crash through the first and on to the second, destroying debris along the way.
Theme 10-12
The first bird should be aimed straight ahead to kill the first two pigs.
The second bird should be aimed a little higher to crash into the small pig resting under the stone slabs to kill the remaining pigs and destroy the structure.
Theme 10-13
Aim the first bird to skim the closest pig, killing it, and carry on to hit the base of the second structure which will kill a further pig.
The next bird should be aimed for the small pig under the step to kill that pig and the one resting above.
Finally aim the last bird for the pig in the high end of the structure and this should crash through and kill the last pig.
Theme 10-14
Aim the first bird for the closest small pig and it will crash into the structure collapsing it into debris.
Aim the second bird in the same path to clear a path and hit the TNT box at ground level, killing the remaining pigs.
Theme 10-15
The first bird should be aimed high to hit the shelf housing the TNT box which should then fall to kill the pigs along the ground, collapsing the rest of the structure and killing the remaining pigs.
For more 3 star rating walkthroughs for Angry Birds themes and levels see our series below. Or continue to our Angry Birds Walkthrough The Big Setup and Ham ‘Em High Theme 11 and 12.
All screenshots and references from Angry Birds for iPhone.
This post is part of the series: Angry Birds Complete Walkthrough
With Angry Birds being one of the most popular game apps so far, here is your complete walkthrough to guide you through each theme and level with a 3 star rating.